This document assumes your GitHub account is: JohnSmith90 your email is: you are creating a project called: myproject Create a GitHub account ======================= 1. Create yourself an account on GitHub: Setup ===== 1. Create a public/private key pair: cd mkdir -p .ssh cd .ssh ssh-keygen cat 2. Add the public key to your GitHub account In GitHub, go to 'Account Settings / SSH Keys' Add the public key created above (i.e. the contents of 3. Setup your git config git config --global "JohnSmith90" git config --global "" (where JohnSmith90 is whatever username you have on GitHub and is your email address registered with GitHub) Creating a local git repository =============================== 1. Create a directory for your repository - let's assume you will call it 'myproject' mkdir -p ~/git/myproject 2. Initialize git for that repository cd ~/git/myproject git init 3. Copy in the files that you want to manage e.g. if they are in ~/mycode... cp ~/mycode/*.* . 4. Add these so that git knows they are to be tracked git add * git commit -a Synchronizing your local repository with GitHub =============================================== 1. Create a repository on the github web site In the upper-right corner of any page on GitHub, click '+' and then click 'New repository'. - IT WILL PROBABLY ASK YOU IF YOU WANT TO CREATE 'IGNORE' FILES AND A README.ME - DO *NOT* CREATE ANY FILES IN THAT REPOSITORY VIA THE WEB SITE 4. Specify this as the remote repository. This will be something like git remote add origin 5. Push your local files to the GitHub repository git push -u origin master Changing and adding files ========================= 1. If you change a file, then do git commit -a 2. To push the changes to GitHub do git push 3. If you add a file, then do git add filename (replacing filename with the name of the file you added) 4. To push the changes to GitHub do git commit -a git push To check out your repository on a different machine =================================================== 1. Create a clone of your repository from GitHub git clone 2. Make changes/additions as above and sychronize with GitHub. e.g. git add filename git commit -a git push 3. To synchronize changes that are on GitHub (that came from machine A) with a repository that you have cloned (on machine B), on machine B you would do git pull Creating branches for developing and testing new features ========================================================= 1. create a new branch named "feature_x" and switch to it using git checkout -b feature_x 2. switch back to the 'master' branch git checkout master 4. Synchronize the branch with GitHub git push -u origin feature_x 5. Merge the branch into the main version git pull git checkout master git merge feature_x git commit -a git push 6. Delete the branch git branch -d feature_x # This deletes the local branch git push origin --delete feature_x # This deletes the GitHub branch 7. Note - if you pull a branch down on another machine, it may not be able to pull down changes back by just doing git pull In that case do git pull origin feature_x git push -u origin feature_x Getting rid of local changes ============================ 1. Get rid of changes you have made to a specific file: git checkout -- filename 2. Get rid of all changes you have made git fetch origin git reset --hard origin/master Tags and releases ================= 1. Create a tag for your current code (e.g. a version number) git tag v1.0 git push --tags 2. Create a release on GitHub (with a ZIP file and a gzipped tar file for download) Visit your repository on GitHub Click 'releases' Click 'Draft a new release' Choose a tag from the dropdown or create a new one Fill in the details Click 'Publish Release' 3. When creating a new release, it is often useful to be able to summarize the changes since the last release. You can do this with git log --pretty=format:%s VX.Y..HEAD where VX.Y is the tag given to your last release. You could also do git shortlog VX.Y..HEAD Reorganizing your repository ============================ This is a bit advanced, but can be very useful! Suppose you have a repository with several subdirectories. You want to reorganize things so that you have one of those subdirectories as a separate repository of its own (but you want to keep all the history of changes). First clone the repository in two places. To delete everything other than 'subdir', do: git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter subdir -- --all To delete 'subdir' and keep everything else, do: git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatched subdir' -- --all See Note that this may not work properly with versions of git prior to