Devil Debugging

Clearly our script still has a bug.

Given the input... we expected... but got
<b>"foo"</b> "foo" foo
"<b>foo</b>" "foo" <b>foo</b>

We could scatter print statements in the code to see what is going on or just keep changing things until it work - this is not the way to do it!


def removeHtmlMarkup(s):
    tag   = False                           
    quote = False
    out   = ""

    for c in s:
        print(c, tag, quote)                #                    NEW
        if c == '<' and not quote:          # Start of markup
            tag = True
        elif c == '>' and not quote:        # End of markup  
            tag = False
        elif c == '"' or c == "'" and tag:  # Quote          
            quote = not quote               
        elif not tag:
            out = out + c

    return out

""" We know these fail """
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print (removeHtmlMarkup('"<b>foo</b>"'),   '\t["foo"]')
#    print (removeHtmlMarkup('<b>"foo"</b>'),   '\t\t["foo"]')


Imagine dealing with 10,000 characters of input.

We know the problem has something to do with checking quotes, so why not just remove the check on the status of quote?


def removeHtmlMarkup(s):
    tag   = False                           
    quote = False
    out   = ""

    for c in s:
        if c == '<':                        # Start of markup   MODIFIED
            tag = True
        elif c == '>':                      # End of markup     MODIFIED
            tag = False
        elif c == '"' or c == "'" and tag:  # Quote          
            quote = not quote               
        elif not tag:
            out = out + c

    return out

""" We know these fail """
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print (removeHtmlMarkup('"<b>foo</b>"'),   '\t["foo"]')
    print (removeHtmlMarkup('<b>"foo"</b>'),   '\t["foo"]')


The quotes are still missing...

Why not just remove the check on quotes altogether?


def removeHtmlMarkup(s):
    tag   = False                           
    quote = False
    out   = ""

    for c in s:
        if c == '<':                        # Start of markup
            tag = True
        elif c == '>':                      # End of markup  
            tag = False
#        elif c == '"' or c == "'" and tag: # Quote            REMOVED
#            quote = not quote              #                  REMOVED
        elif not tag:
            out = out + c

    return out

""" Does it work? """
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print (removeHtmlMarkup('"<b>foo</b>"'),   '\t["foo"]')
    print (removeHtmlMarkup('<b>"foo"</b>'),   '\t["foo"]')
    print (removeHtmlMarkup('<a href=">">foo</a>'),   '\t[foo]')


The first two work! But do the old tests still work?

Devil debugging (How not to debug)

These examples of bad practice come from Steve McConnell's book Code Complete [Supporting Web Site]

Simply fix the special case that we know doesn't work...


def removeHtmlMarkup(s):
    if s == '"<b>foo</b>"':
        return '"foo"'
#    if s == '<b>"foo"</b>':
#        return '"foo"'

    tag   = False                           
    quote = False
    out   = ""

    for c in s:
        if c == '<' and not quote:          # Start of markup
            tag = True
        elif c == '>' and not quote:        # End of markup  
            tag = False
        elif c == '"' or c == "'" and tag:  # Quote          
            quote = not quote               
        elif not tag:
            out = out + c

    return out

""" We know these failed """
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print (removeHtmlMarkup('"<b>foo</b>"'),   '\t["foo"]')
#    print (removeHtmlMarkup('<b>"foo"</b>'),   '\t["foo"]')

