HTML Resources

Overall HTML structure

<title>A title</title>
....html goes here....

Useful tags

Start tag Closing tag Purpose
<p> </p> Mark a paragraph
<h1> </h1> Level 1 heading
<h2> </h2> Level 2 heading
<h3> </h3> Level 3 heading
<br />   Line break
<a href='url'> </a> Link to another URL (replace url as appropriate!)
<img src='url' alt='text' />   Insert an image. Replace url with a local filename or URL; replace text with text to be shown if the image cannot
<font face='fontname' color='textcolour'> </font> Specify font - replace fontname and textcolour as appropriate. See below. Note that both the face= and color= attributes are optional.
<ul> </ul> Bulleted list - items must be contained in <li>
<ol> </ol> Ordered (numbered) list - items must be contained in <li>
<li> </li> List item within a bulleted or numbered list

Useful attributes

Attribute Values Used with Purpose
align='position' left, right, center <p>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <img> Align the text or image as specified